OFSTED and CQC guidance advises professionals and carers to work in a person-centred way and to be creative in order to minimise behaviour that presents as challenging.
Who is the training for?
This training is designed to support professionals working with children/young people and their families, who present with autism with a demand avoidant profile.
It is based on the most recent good practice guidance and parent/carers themselves as experts in their own experience.
By the end of the training, participants will:
Contact us, for more information or to book.
How can we help you?
ADDvanced Solutions LLP Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9.00am - 5.00pm
Liverpool/Knowsley: 0151 486 1788 St Helens: 01744 582172 e: info@addvancedsolutions.co.uk
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ADDvanced Solutions LLP Partnership Number: OC377606